Saturday, May 12, 2012

The Phantom Manor | Disneyland Paris

The Phantom Manor, Disneyland Paris

This is a classic example of a Second Empire Victorian mansion, based on the roof details and the shapes.

Roof Details
Mansard style
Wrought iron cresting
Dormer windows
Patterned slate

Tall and slender
Center tower dominant feature
Balanced facade
Tall rounded windows

Why are haunted houses based on Second Empire architecture?
Second Empire houses were the most stately of the Victorians. They were built in town centers where everyone could see them.

During the 1950s and 1960s, there was a move to the suburbs. Many of the large Second Empire mansions fell into disrepair.

Second Empire mansions were popularized as haunted mansions by Charles Addams, the creator of The Addams Family, and by Alfred Hitchcock in Psycho.

Phantom Manor Model
Template downloaded from:
Scale:  1 inch = 5.5 feet

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